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Keywords Associated With This Image

All,panda,panda bear,beer,bears,,New Work,,Animal antics,animal antics,,,Animal themes,,Animals,,Anthropomorphic,human like,,Bear,,Concepts,,Fun,,,Funny Pictures,funny,silly,cute,humor,,,Getting Away From It All,,Greeting Cards,greeting card,antics,,,Humor,funny,humorous,silly,amusing,amusement,,,Ideas,,Leisure,,,Picture,,Stock Photos,,Tranquility,tranquil,,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Panda.jpg,9791,,antics,animal antics,hammock,chromazone,ds,,Animals,animal,,Paper Product Licensable Images,fathers,day,sellers,

Panda Bear

Image ID# 9791

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Panda Bear Drinking Beer

A Panda bear holds up a frothy, cold beer (Panda Beer?) as he relaxes with a good book in hammock. This Panda picture was created as a greeting card image and stock photo as part of our "Animal Antics" anthropomorphic funny animal images. We have over 500 such images including beer drinking meerkats and a beer drinking pig! We also have a number of funny bear images that include both Koala bears and brown bears...from bears riding motorcycles to bears pooping in the woods!

The little red book on this Panda's belly...could that be THE LITTLE RED BOOK...chairman Mao's quotes? Ah, not likely. This bear is far too hedonistic for that reading material. Probably a discourse on home brewing beer...of perhaps a book of bamboo recipes.... At any rate, this is one bear who has it made in the shade!

This panda bear with a beer is just one of a number of funny animals drinking beer images in our collection including meerkats drinking beer and a pig drinking beer.

Greeting Card Rights In EA/EEA United Kingdom and Switzerland reserved

Fun Panda Facts

Fun Panda Facts! A native of China, Giant pandas are black and white bears. They live in bamboo forests in China's central mountains. Pandas will eat pretty much anything, being omnivores, but bamboo comprises over 90% of their diet. They will eat up to 12 kilograms of bamboo over 12 hours. Their scientific name is Ailuropoda melanoleuca. In captivity, they will live to be around 30 years old. They tend to weigh between 75kg and 135kg. Panda bears do not hibernate. In winter they simply head lower down the mountains and keep eating that bamboo! It is estimated that only 1,000 Giant Pandas are left in the wild.

Panda Bears

Panda bears, also known as giant pandas, are one of the most recognizable and beloved animals in the world. These unique creatures are native to central China, specifically in the Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Gansu provinces, and are known for their distinctive black and white fur patterns. Pandas have become a symbol of peace, friendship, and good luck, making them a popular icon in Chinese culture.

One of the most interesting things about pandas is their diet. Despite being classified as carnivores, their diet is primarily made up of bamboo. In fact, they consume up to 40 pounds of bamboo per day! Their diet is supplemented with small rodents, birds, and occasionally fruit, but bamboo makes up the majority of their food intake.

Another interesting fact about pandas is their unique digestive system. They have a shorter and simpler digestive tract than other herbivores, which is better suited for digesting meat. This means that pandas must eat a large quantity of bamboo in order to extract enough nutrients from their food.

Pandas are also known for their unique reproductive habits. Female pandas are only able to conceive for a few days out of the year, typically in the spring. This, combined with the fact that pandas have a low reproductive rate, makes them an endangered species. In recent years, conservation efforts have been made to help protect and increase the panda population.

One of the most iconic symbols of China is the panda bear. It is an animal that has captured the hearts and imaginations of people around the world. It is one of the few animals that are instantly recognizable, thanks in no small part to its distinctive black and white fur. However, the panda is more than just a cute and cuddly creature. It is also an important part of Chinese culture, and a symbol of peace and harmony.

In traditional Chinese culture, the panda has long been associated with good luck and prosperity. The image of the panda is often used in Chinese art, and it is also frequently depicted on various types of merchandise. In addition, the panda is a popular subject in Chinese folklore and mythology.

The panda is also an important animal from a conservation perspective. It is considered an endangered species, with only around 1,800 pandas remaining in the wild. This is largely due to habitat loss and fragmentation, as well as poaching. Efforts are being made to protect the panda and its habitat, including the creation of panda reserves and breeding programs.

The panda is also a popular animal in zoos and other wildlife facilities around the world. Many people enjoy visiting pandas and watching them play and interact with each other. Zoos also play an important role in panda conservation, as they can help to breed and raise pandas in captivity, which can then be reintroduced into the wild.

Despite its popularity and cultural significance, the panda is not without controversy. Some critics argue that the focus on panda conservation takes resources away from other endangered species, and that efforts should be made to protect a wider range of animals and habitats. Others argue that the panda's appeal and iconic status make it an important symbol for conservation efforts more broadly, and that its protection can help to raise awareness and support for conservation initiatives in general.

Overall, the panda is an important animal both culturally and environmentally. Its distinctive appearance and unique characteristics have captured the hearts and imaginations of people around the world, while its conservation status serves as a reminder of the importance of protecting our planet's biodiversity. As such, the panda will likely remain an important symbol for years to come.

Keywords Associated With This Image

All,panda,panda bear,beer,bears,,New Work,,Animal antics,animal antics,,,Animal themes,,Animals,,Anthropomorphic,human like,,Bear,,Concepts,,Fun,,,Funny Pictures,funny,silly,cute,humor,,,Getting Away From It All,,Greeting Cards,greeting card,antics,,,Humor,funny,humorous,silly,amusing,amusement,,,Ideas,,Leisure,,,Picture,,Stock Photos,,Tranquility,tranquil,,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Panda.jpg,9791,,antics,animal antics,hammock,chromazone,ds,,Animals,animal,,Paper Product Licensable Images,fathers,day,sellers,